Thursday, March 09, 2006

Swan Song!

This says Place Buggers Here, if you can't see it, I can so that is all that matters!

I like these stickers, becasue they say for rectal use only! I kept a bunch of them!
They actually have a person laying down spreading their butt cheeks!

The readers have spoken, and well, I have NOT!
That meaning, I have not updated this in a long frickin time! Quite honestly, I have more crap in the archives from Iraq, no pun intended, well, yes, actually it was, but obviously it is not a priority or an interest becasue I am not bored and sitting in Baghdad!
SO, Christie from i mei pensierie had the survey and Latrine Lovin was voted most likely not missed if taken off the net!
Point made!
It was a nice run. We laughed, we cried, it was the best of times, the worst of times!
Your wish is my command.
Actually I don't care either, as I think I voted for it as well!


Blogger --TBAS said...

how sad. we miss you. come back to us. there's no civil war going on.I know where you can find some pretty bad shitters.

1:53 PM  
Blogger --TBAS said...

how sad. we miss you. come back to us. there's no civil war going on.I know where you can find some pretty bad shitters.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Come back! We want our potty humor!

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Approximately twelve and a half years ago I drove down into what appeared to be a base underneath Oak Hammock Marsh Manitoba Canada (protected wildlife sanctuary), I completely forgot the experience until reading a report on underground Nazi bases 8 months ago (The Omega Files), I then used Google Earth to view Oak Hammock Marsh and the surrounding areas, I found numerous irregularities including: a flying saucer that appears to be broke down in the mud, two saucers with adaptive camo and what appears to be their landing vehicles nearby them, a landing area that appears to be marked with two swastikas and protected by 2 anti-aircraft weapons, a wormhole in a backyard neighboring Oak Hammock Marsh and a large white/silver tank 100 feet North of that wormhole. Since remembering driving down into what appeared to be a base and finding these irregularities using Google Earth I have not stopped making this known, in my opinion anything less would be committing treason against Canada. These images and links are posted on my Facebook account which is open to the public. In my photo album named Possible Nazi base on Canadian soil I have included images taken from previous satellite imaging of Oak Hammock Marsh (Google Earth Pro) so it is possible to see what is normally in those areas.

Link to Possible Nazi base on Canadian soil Facebook photo album.

Links to Google Earth showing parts of a possible Nazi base on Canadian soil

Landing area marked with 2 swastikas and protected by 2 anti-aircraft weapons, west 400 feet is adaptive camo saucer, distortion around edges of saucer is visible.

Saucer (possibly broken down), 2 mud tracks from it trying to take off or skimming the ground to avoid radar detection, 400 feet NNE of that is the landing vehicle for the saucer.

Wormhole in backyard of property and large white/silver tank 100 feet North of that.

Saucer landing vehicle, saucer NW of that at end of mud track with adaptive camo, distortion can be seen around edges of saucer.

Technology used to create projection top on base, when I drove down into the base 12.5 years earlier the projection was turned off.

Statement from the former Canadian Minister of National Defense.

News report on chem trails.

Nazi bell uncovered (Nazi bell used by the Nazis to create wormholes)

5:27 PM  

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