Tuesday, September 27, 2005

No Dietrich, but EL Panty Bandito!!!!

Looks like El Panty Bandito has struck Camp Victory.
I really did not think they would make it to Iraq, but he's made it! (Or is it SHE?)
You can also see some of the debate that goes on amongst people overseas and their reasons for being over here! Someone wants to fight in war to make gas cheaper so they can sell more cars.
Great idea! That must be like an arsonist on the fire department, who goes around setting fires to get more work!
OK, more Dietrich next time!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dietrich got MAD!!!

Notice the graceful post from Dietrich today!
He must have gotten tired of reading the same old CRAP!!! Get it??
So Dietrich now spends his time putting down the attendees of the bathroom!
We'll see what happens on the next installment of "When Dietrich Dukes"
You will also notice the port o house poet write a little ditty about taken a big ol shitty!
With NO toilet paper!
Also, notice the "joker" I call him/her one the very top row for someone who looks at his writings!