Thursday, March 09, 2006

Swan Song!

This says Place Buggers Here, if you can't see it, I can so that is all that matters!

I like these stickers, becasue they say for rectal use only! I kept a bunch of them!
They actually have a person laying down spreading their butt cheeks!

The readers have spoken, and well, I have NOT!
That meaning, I have not updated this in a long frickin time! Quite honestly, I have more crap in the archives from Iraq, no pun intended, well, yes, actually it was, but obviously it is not a priority or an interest becasue I am not bored and sitting in Baghdad!
SO, Christie from i mei pensierie had the survey and Latrine Lovin was voted most likely not missed if taken off the net!
Point made!
It was a nice run. We laughed, we cried, it was the best of times, the worst of times!
Your wish is my command.
Actually I don't care either, as I think I voted for it as well!